Monday, September 26, 2005

Another abstract watercolor exercise using several techniques taught by my instructor, Tom Fong, including wet-into-wet, tilting, scraping, splatter, and the application of salt and alcohol. It is untitled. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, September 15, 2005

This is a painting entitled Blackbird I that was done as an exercise for Tom Fong's class. I entered it in the Associated Artists monthly meeting display and it won first prize awards in two catagories: Demonstrator (Hal Lambert) Award and Monthly Award. So, this is encougaging - and thanks to Tom! Posted by Picasa

This painting was an exercise in the use of three primary colors, only. It was done wet -into-wet. It is untitled. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Canyon Fire This is an attempt at a less representational approach to painting. It was done as an exercise for Tom Fong's class. Posted by Picasa